Z-Prime Plus Zirconia Alumina Metal Primer Bottle (4ml)

Code: BIS07-411

Z-Prime Plus

is your Zirconia Bond

Primer for Zirconia – Metal - Alumina
Active monomers MDP & BPDM for synergistic effect



Purchase 3+ ZPrime+ 4ml & receieve 1 x ZirClean FREE VALUED AT $60 

Use a promo code ZPRIME3 at checkout or include in order comments to receive bonus. VALID TO 31/03/2025 


  • Unparalleled bond strengths to Zirconia, Alumina and Metal Restorations
  • Versatility and durability with many different substrates: Composites & Endo Posts
  • Compatible with light-cured and dual-cured resin luting cements
  • Excellent for short clinical & non-retentive crowns and intra-oral repairs
  • Quick, Convenient and Easy to Use


Z-Prime Plus steps

  • Try in & Sandblast
  • ZirClean to expose bonding sites
  • Z-Prime Plus
  • DuoLink Luting Cement or your preferred luting cement
  • All Bond Universal on tooth & Place restoration


If you Lute ZIRCONIA, you must use ZIRCLEAN & Z PRIME PLUS for a Hydrophobic Seal
Z-Prime Plus is not needed with TheraCem

$ 120.00 (Incl. GST 10%)



BISCO’s Z-PRIME™ PLUS unique combination of two active monomers MDP, a phosphate monomer, and BPDM, a carboxylate monomer gives it a synergistic effect resulting in high bond strengths between indirect zirconia restorative materials and composite resin cements.


Laboratory research proves Shear Bond Strength of 23 Mpa at 2 hours.
Use with DuoLink or other manufacturers adhesives and luting cements. Adding Z-Prime Plus means you will double your bond strength.
Bisco’s Z Prime-Plus is the most stable MDP zirconia primer over time.


Z-Prime Plus has only a 2-micron film thickness.  That allows ideal space for your luting material in order to allow adequate seating of crowns, inlays & onlays, bridges and posts.


Z-Prime Plus bonds short zirconia crowns and non-retentive restorations. 


How to treat Zirconia:

  • Try-in
  • Lightly Sandblast with Microetcher at 30-45 psi use 50-micron aluminium oxide. Hold at 1-2cm distance and at a 60o angle for 20 seconds
  • Clean & de-contaminate with ZirClean to re-expose the bonding site
  • Apply 2 coats of Z-Prime Plus onto Zirconia or metal restoration & dry
  • Use D/C Resin Luting cement such as DuoLink
  • Prepare tooth surface with All-Bond Universal & manufacturer’s instructions
  • Seat restoration



  1. Do not use phosphoric acid on Zirconia – it takes up the bonding sites
  2. Do not use Silane on Zirconia - because it acts as a separator
  3. Do not use combination materials, such as Silane & MDP, this combination degrades faster, and has weaker bond strength (10 Mpa).  Silane not only breaks down when in combination with acidic MDP.


Z-Prime Plus comes in a 4 ml bottle with Instructions.

*Bisco, Inc data




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