Eliminates run-on onto the dentin surface, ideal for etching enamel margins.
Can Select HV Etch be used for every etching technique?
Yes! Select HV Etch can be used for total-, self- and selective-etch techniques.
How long should I etch or clean my restorations with Select HV Etch?
Dentin and enamel, or enamel only, should be etched for 15 seconds.
If using phosphoric acid as a cleaning agent on dental restorative materials: 30 seconds.
How does the “blue” colour of Select HV Etch make etching easier?
Select HV Etch’s electric blue colour allows for easy identification and contrast.
What is BAC and what benefits does it provide?
Benzalkonium chloride (BAC) is an antimicrobial agent. Research confirms the development of residual bacterial inhibition zones of up to 7mm, against Strep mutans, and Actinomyces Viscosus .1,2
1. M.Sc.Dt. Emre ÖZEL, Dr. Haktan YURDAGÜVEN, Yrd.Doç.Dr. Esra CAN SAY, Prof.Dr. Sesin KOCAGÖZ, Evaluation of the Antibacterial Activity of Disinfectant Solutions with Phosphoric
Acids Against Streptococcus Mutans. Journal of Hacettepe Faculty of Dentistry, Volume: 29, Issue 4, Page: 8-14, 2005
2. M. TURKUN1, Z. ERGUCU, L.S. TURKUN, E.U. CELIK, and M. ATES, Is Phosphoric Acid Sufficiently Antibacterial?,J Dent Res 85 (Spec Iss B):abstract number 1605, 2006 (www.dental research.org).